Speak Up for Students Our Voice is Our Power
We’ll advocate for fully-funded public schools. We’ll dismantle unjust systems. We’ll give our students the opportunities they need to succeed. Help us make it happen.
- Advocate for true Current Service Level for the State School Fund and the Community College Support Fund
- Fully fund Special Education in Oregon by lifting the 11% cap on SPED weights in the state funding formula and providing the funding to pay for those new weights, and fully funding High-Cost Disability, Regional Inclusive Services, and Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
- Increase investments in Oregon Opportunity Grants
- Corporate Kicker set into a fund for one-time use infrastructure investments
- Oregon educators see every day that our state does not have the resources we need for all Oregonians to thrive, live and learn with dignity. Educators are asking legislators to raise the revenue needed to make major and critical investments in our state.
- Class size and case load as a mandatory subject of collective bargaining
- Diversification package
- Special policy package
- School Based Health Professionals (SBHP) task force
Wages and Benefits
- Pay parity for part-time faculty in community colleges
- Statewide improvement of educator salaries (both classified and licensed staff)
- Create stable funding streams for summer learning and literacy programs that also protect the integrity of the State School Fund and the Student Success Act
- Protect true Current Service Level for State School Fund and the Community College Support Fund
- Ensure the voices of OEA members are centered in education policy proposals