Exercise your workplace rights! If you are called into an investigatory or information-gathering meeting with a supervisor where you have reason to believe that discipline may result, be sure to follow these steps.
1. First and foremost, call your union!
2. Request union representation clearly.
What to Say:
"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined, terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer or building representative be present. Until my representative arrives, I choose not to participate in this interview."
3. Respectfully refuse to answer questions until your union representation arrives.
The district does not have a legal right to continue questioning without a union representative present after this request is made. Remain in the meeting until it ends.
Other Rights in the Workplace
As an educator and public employee, your job is governed by different entities that protect you. Our union makes sure that you are treated as a professional. The union ensures that your rights as a worker are upheld, the rules at our jobs are enforced, and that we are treated fairly.
Employment Rights
Related Issues
- If you are injured on the job, OEA can help you access the workers’ compensation process.
- If you lose your job, you may have access to certain benefits as unemployment insurance and COBRA health insurance. Your union can help you secure these benefits.
- As a new educator, you may have questions about the probationary period. OEA can help you navigate this time.
- If you have questions about the professional evaluation process, OEA will help ensure that proper district and contractual processes are being followed.